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Our goal is to be a Church of extraordinary prayer!

Here are some of the ways we strive to do that:

  1. Encouraging people to pray individually, with their spouses, children and grandchildren.
  2. Equipping people to pray in their Missional Communities (MCs), DNA Groups and when they disciple one-on-one.
  3. Inviting people to let us know how we can pray for them or rejoice with them by filling out our Connection Card on Sundays or online Prayer Request card.
  4. Join the Prayer Team so you can receive requests and praises to pray over! Contact Pastor Jim Herzberg at
  5. Join our Global Missions Prayer Team. Contact our Global Missions Team Leader Justin Ballard at
  6. Being part of our private FaceBook Prayer Page
  7. Prayer times during Sunday gatherings.
  8. Every week on Wednesday is a fasting and prayer day for our Church. Pastor Jim usually sends out a prayer email.
  9. Every Wednesday night we gather online from 7-8pm for All-Epic Prayer by video. To join contact Jim Herzberg at for the unique weekly link.
  10. Every month on the last Friday, 7-8pm, we gather with other local churches for All-Church Prayer. Go here to find out where we meet next.
  11. Every year we participate in the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians and the U.S. National Day of Prayer (NDP).
  12. Check out these resources: