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Online Discussion Guide

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The Joy Journey                                                        10/20/2024

“What kills my joy in God?” (1 Timothy 6:12)


*What lessens or even kills your joy in God?


Review: -Did you apply what you learned last week?

ü God IS a happy God and COMMANDS us to have joy in Him!

ü We exist to glorify God BY enjoying Him forever.

ü Definition of Christian joy (in God): a good feeling in the soul, produced by the Holy Spirit, as he causes us to see the beauty of Christ in the Word and in the world.


-Did you have more joy in God this last week? By:

  Identifying what gives you joy in God and doing more of that.

  Being intentional about looking for the beauty of Jesus in His Word and the world.

  Remembering that God sings over you! (Zephaniah 3:17)

  Praying for more joy. (Ro 15:13; Psalm 51:12; 86:4-5; 90:14)


1.    Things that temper or even kill our joy in God:

a.    I am distracted and consumed with the ____________, often enabled by my ____________.


b.    I root my happiness in my earthly ____________.  


c.    My unrepentant _____. (Col 3:5; Ro 8:13; 2Pe 2:1; Gal 5:25)  


d.    ____________ or emotional suffering. (James 1:1-3)


e.    People I love are potentially headed for _______. (Ro 9:1-3)


f.     Satan and his fallen-angel demons’ mission is to _________, ___________ and ____________ my joy in God. (Jn 10:10)  


g.    I am not ____________ to the Father through faith in Jesus.  


h.    _________________________________________________



*God the Holy Spirit has His part in our joy in God and we have our part—to ____________ for it!


2.    How do we fight for joy in God?

a.    Have a ____________ mentality.  


b.    Remember who you were ____________ salvation.


c.    Put yourself in the way of joy; do everything you can by using the means of grace (spiritual disciples, habits of Jesus) in order to awaken, kindle, quicken and ____________ joy.


d.    Really believe in and ____________ God’s promises.


Live it!

  Fight for joy in God in ____________ with other believers. Lead, host or be part of an Epic Community. (contact Pastor Jim)


  What or who is at the bottom of your joy?

o  ____________________ brings me joy

o  ____________________ why?

o  ____________________ why?

o  ____________________ my ultimate joy


  This week I will join God in His work and fight for my joy in Him by: _________________________________________________




-Available for free by John Piper at

+The Dangerous Duty of Delight

+For Your Joy

+Desiring God

+When I Don’t Desire God


-Happiness by Randy Alcorn (see also his YouTube videos)


Next (10/27): Outdoor Gathering & Potluck Picnic  


  • **do me a favor--if you are using this, please text or email me so I know if I should keep doing it or not, thanks! Pastor Jim